Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Kane And Lynch 2: Dog Days Review

I have bought a Hauppauge HD PVR (Personal Video Recorder) to record demo game plays for my reviews to make them just that bit better. My first video was Halo 3 Clips (Title) that I will publish every week. This video is for Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days which I will be reviewing later on in this post. The game is an over the shoulder camera, as you can see. It has a cover technique that is reminiscent of Gears of War or James Bond: Quantum of Solace. The damage system is good, as when you get damaged and/ or your cover is destroyed you fall to the floor, on your back in a crawling position. This allows you to avoid some of the bullets, and to allow you to get to the next area of defensible cover. The guns that are available in the demo had virtually no recoil, and were defiantly more accurate when shooting in short bursts. This game has realistic elements for instance, when someone is shooting you, and you take cover behind a wooden object your cover would soon be broken. If you take cover behind something that's metal the bullets just ricochet off, giving you good cover.

You can pick up things such as fire extinguishers and use them as melee weapons. The camera is shown as if someone is recording it, slightly grainy to add to the atmosphere of running and gunning down the enemy as they chase you through the streets. The sprint, like in most games disables you're shooting, and when you are out of cover you have to hold down the left trigger to aim. You take a lot of damage quickly in a fire fight, so using cover defiantly is an advantage. I rushed and shot the police officer, but I believe there was an option to take anyone as a human shield. Even though I haven't done this I believe that it would give you some allowance when negotiating your way around.

When you make it onto the street, the game starts to get hectic, with police patrolling you wont make it far without being spotted. The crowded streets filled with cars give you cover but also provides lots of hiding spots for the policemen to surprise you from. The police blockade is the end of the demo, which you go around through an alleyway. This then goes into a cut scene and you can see the different weapons and the different snippets of the storyline. The game overall is very good, with the only drawback being the shooting out of cover. There are other game play modes such as a two player co-op mode, which sounds very enjoyable and a multi player mode. The game has good graphics and physics settings, so all in all I would give it a 8 out of 10. If you were thinking of getting it, buy it. It seems like a very enjoyable game with a good plot line and twists and turns along the way.

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