These are the classes that I use in MW2, but since I got to 9Th prestige level 70 I've been quickscoping in the majority of my matches. I quickscope with the barret because, well, I think its better than the intervention in some ways, its not bolt action, its nearly as accurate and as powerful as the intervention. So I've got ten classes, here they are:
1. Barrett Thermal: This class is what I use for quickscoping, I prefer this to the intervention but the intervention quickscope class can be seen below as well.
Barrett.50cal thermal with fall camo
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro/Cold Blooded Pro (depends if you are playing hardcore or not)
Steady Aim/Ninja
2. Quickscope Class:
Intervention FMJ with fall Camo
USP.45 Akimbo
Same as the Barrett Sniper
3. Search&Destroy: This is the class that I use for search if I'm not quickscoping.
UMP.45 Silenced with Fall Camo
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro/ Cold blooded Pro (SP core and CB hardcore)
Ninja/Commando/Steady Aim
I cant choose between the three perks, just because it depends on the type of player you are. If you play stealthily you would want to choose ninja, if you are sprinting forward towards the other team you shouldn't use this perk layout, and if you're a camper, use steady aim to blind fire quickly and accurately. (Just to say you shouldn't be camping anyway, unless you're using a sniper when its technically not camping :) )
4. Sprinter: This class is for use in headquarters or Search&Destroy because it allows you to rush the bomb/headquarters quickly. Be warned, this class is only for use when attacking, never use it for defence in Search.
Any Sub machine gun Silenced (Fall Camo)
USP.45 Akimbo
(I favour using he overpowered UMP.45 just because its a quick kill without using stopping power pro)
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
The reason I use commando pro is because teamed with the other two perks it is extremely useful for when you run around the corner and straight into an enemy,you need the extra distance of commando to pull off the knife kill.
5. Team Deathmatch:
ACR FMJ and Silenced Fall Camo
USP.45 Akimbo FMJ or Extended Mags
(You can use your favourite weapon, but the ACR has a good reload time without using slight of hand pro)
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
Using this set up allows you to use an accurate weapon, adds damage to it and gives you extra aim when blind firing meaning that this class is an all round class. This can be used in free-for-all but use it without the FMJ and replace bling pro with slight of hand pro.I prefer this free-for-all class.
6. Free-For-All:
AK-47 Silenced with Fall Camo
Slight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
This class packs a punch. The Stopping power pro adds on damage on top of the AK47s fire power which is already pretty high. Having slight of hand pro helps in difficult situations when facing more than two enemies. If you haven't got enough time to reload, swap to your machine pistol. The TMP is used as a machine pistol but has the same power and accuracy as a sub machine gun, so this gun is useful for finishing that last person off. The steady aim is for the AK because it has a bit of a recoil so firing off the hip at close range wouldn't be a good idea without using steady aim.
7. Hardcore HQ Sniper:
M21 Silenced or WA2000 Silenced with Fall Camos
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded pro
Ninja Pro/Scrambler Pro
Using this class allows you to defend the HQ from far away, using a sniper that's semi automatic and is actually silent when its silenced (Barrett still makes noise). The perks are what any hardcore class should contain, because it helps keep you undetected. You can either use Ninja Pro or Scrambler Pro because there are a lot of claymores in hardcore but there are almost as many people with heartbeat sensors as well, especially when playing HQ, core or hardcore.
8. Hardcore Sub:
UMP.45 Silenced with Fall Camo
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Steady Aim Pro
This class is an all round class that you can use for any hardcore game type. The UMP offers good accuracy, fire power, the silencer keeps you undetected.
9. Machine Gun:
Any Machine gun FMJ (I prefer the iron sights on the L86 but choose the gun that suits you best)
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
These perks are a must for anyone using a machine gun, as they take so long to reload. Using stopping power just reduces the amount of bullets you use on each person meaning you reload less.
10. Hardcore Machine Gun
Again Any Machine gun Silenced ( I prefer the AUG when playing hardcore)
USP.45 Akimbo
Slight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Steady Aim Pro
This is the same as the Machine gun class above, but is made silent for use on hardcore game types.
The reason that all but one of my classes uses the USP.45 akimbo pistols is because they knife faster than the tactical knife attachment on any other pistol, and use this with commando pro to quickly despatch enemies without them knowing what hit them. People have complained and said that I was using a modded controller, just because teaming the USPs with Marathon, Lightweight Pro and Commando makes it very hard to kill the person before they knife. I will post a gameplay video as soon as I get my capture card.
I will also be posting my reviews with gameplay so you can see the game while reading my reviews!