Sunday, 11 July 2010

Halo 3 Double Exp Weekend

I wasn't gonna post at the weekend, but I thought about doing a weekly post about what the double exp weekend would be.

This week the double Exp weekend is a game type that allows you to play CPF and team slayer on player created maps, so you don't get many of the same maps twice. The maps that I've played are good, but because I don't play Halo that much, only people who have downloaded the most recent top ten maps will know where the weapons are. This made it harder for me to play properly as people were getting things like the sniper and the shotgun and I was stuck using the assault rifle/battle rifle. I wouldn't play this game mode, I'd rather play things like lone wolves, or if with friends play something like MLG or team swat/snipers. I've always found these to be fun game types, even if you don't play/like Halo.

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