Friday, 9 July 2010

Games Im gonna play over the summer

I don't know about you but I've got a whole list of games that I'm gonna attempt to finish over the summer on the Xbox 360.

1. Halo 3 ODST : I have finished this campaign before, but only on heroic difficulty, so I'm gonna team up with a group of friends and go and finish the fight on Legendary.

2. Modern Warfare 2: I'm level 70 9Th prestige and I haven't even finished the campaign on the highest difficulty, I got past Favella and then got bored so i need to finish this.

3. Crackdown 1 and 2: Nearly finished Crackdown 1, fighting the Shai Gen, but getting distracted with all the AGILITY ORBS I still need to collect. Theres also the fact that i still need to climb to the top of the Agency Tower, but I need to level up my agility before attempting this. Its fun with teaming up with a friend and attacking the remain gang members.
Crackdown 2. I haven't bought this yet but I want to get it just so that I can fight the new enemies with 4 friends. This is good because its gonna be so much easier to set up squads and use teamwork effectively.

4. Cod 5 Zombies : Even though I think that Cod 5 is a boring game, the zombies mode is fun when you have a long time to get up to a high round. I mean, my highest is 30 on Der Rise, but that's just because we had to quit as it had been going on for hours, but that was in the week, so hopefully now we're on holiday we can get much, much further.

5. Forza Motorsport 3 and Need For Speed Shift (Plus DLC's) : I've finish the NFS campaign, but i bought all the DLC available, (which i believe are the Exotic Car Pack, and the Ferrari Car Pack) and I'm attempting to mop up all the other achievements. With Froza Motorsport I bought it mainly because i had finished NFS, and now, starting the campaign I can see that the game would have been worth it.

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